Monday, May 3, 2010

The challenge has been set for our Crossroads Congregation to donate 2,000 pairs of shoes to Soles 4 Souls. Souls 4 Souls is an organization that was started by one person in 2004 in the aftermath of the tsunami that struck Southeast Asia. You can learn more about the history of Soles 4 Souls by clicking here.
According to the Soles 4 Souls website over 300 million children world-wide have never had one pair of shoes. It's great to have shoes for different occasions. Imagine the need for the following scenario as described by Soles 4 Souls: "The greatest daily challenge for many village women is to supply the family with drinking water. Many women walk as many as five miles one way to get to the water source. On the return trip they carry as much as 50 pounds of water back to their village. Most women accomplish this daily with no or inadequate footwear. Your support of casual/comfort shoes can make this daily task much more achievable for these women."
You might be thinking that your shoes are too worn out, and would be embarrassed to send someone your shoes. But your definition of what a worn out pair shoes looks like is probably not the same as someone that is currently walking barefoot! Donate your shoes and we'll let Soles 4 Souls make the determination.
Ask your family and friends to donate toward this cause as well. Ask your boss if your work site can participate in this shoe drive. 2,000 pairs of shoes is not that many once you begin to think about it and understand how many people could potentially donate in Livingston County alone.
On our church website home page you'll find our "Shoe Scale" which monitors approximately how many pairs of shoes have been donated thus far. As of 4/29/10 more than 150 pairs of shoes have been given. Our shoe drive will go on through June 7. Contact the church office for more details at 517-546-0722.
-Pastor Mike